Best cellulite cream from SephoraCellulite sucks. After working out for 8 weeks on this killer exercise and cardio plan, I admit defeat.

Yup, that’s right. All those experts in magazine articles who say it doesn’t go away were right. I really thought I would be the exception to the rule and that if I worked out really hard and toned up my squishy areas, my skin would become all smooth – kind of like an air mattress when you pump it full of air.

Alas, the dimples are still there.

So now, after spending an hour on the internet doing research, I’ve ordered what people have reviewed as the “best cellulite cream” – well, the best one I could find for less than $35. I didn’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on magic lotion that may not work. I’m a little skeptical when it comes to things like that and figure if I’m wishing for miracles, I might as well as wish for my own fairy godmother.

So what is the best cellulite cream on the market? Apparently, it’s Fat Girl Slim by Bliss (you can get it at Sephora). The active ingredient in it is caffeine which the dermatologist they had on Good Morning America says is proven to help diminish the appearance of cellulite. This also means that I could have probably rubbed coffee on my problem areas and saved myself some money. Oh well.

Anyway, this Bliss stuff does work.

I’ve been slathering it on twice a day for the last four days and I’m already seeing a difference. The dimples on my butt are looking smaller, plus its super soft. I’m not sure if this is really an advantage, but I figure if I’m already sharing my cellulite secrets with you, you might as well know everything.

There’s only one problem with this cream. The name.

Why do they have to call it Fat Girl Slim? It’s totally embarrassing to have this big jar of cream sitting on my counter that says Fat Girl Slim. It’s like advertising to all my guests that I have a cellulite problem and am desperate to get rid of it- which I am.

And yes, I did try to put it in the cupboard, but then I forgot to use it.

I also find the word “fat” offensive. Cellulite has nothing to do with weight. As a size 4, I definitely don’t consider myself a chunky monkey – unless I happen to be standing beside Victoria Secret super models, but really – how often is that going to happen?

But name aside, I recommend Bliss’s Fat Girl Slim as a temporary solution to diminish the appearance dimples caused by cellulite. If you’re going on vacation, start using it about 2 weeks out for best results and bring it with you. When you stop using it, the dimples return.

Miracle in a jar? Yup. Now bring on the fairy godmother.